
Social Media 101: How to Avoid Posts That May Be Perceived Negatively

11 November 2021

By Darcia

There are basically two types of “viral” social media posts.

There’s the type of post you may have dreamed of. That’s the one where you post something that’s positive and helpful to your target audience — and they reward you by sharing it with their friends, and those people reshare it with their friends, and so on. That, in turn, results in a flood of visits to your agent website and quite possibly several good real estate leads.

But there’s another type of post that can go viral. That’s the one where you say something offensive — perhaps unintentionally — that results in a slew of negative reactions. A post like that being shared over and over could adversely impact your real estate career.

So, how do you avoid posting something that may not get the reaction you expect?

You don’t want to be walking on eggshells with your real estate social media marketing. But you should be careful about sharing certain things. Here are some mistakes that others have made countless times, along with tips to avoid doing the same:

  1. Jokes that may be perceived as tasteless. Tip: Would you tell this joke to your parents and children? If not, don’t post it.
  2. Reinforcing stereotypes. For example, making a big deal, however positively, of a woman being promoted to fire chief. Tip: Mentally replace the person you’re highlighting with someone who would traditionally be cast in the role you are discussing. Does your post or comment sound silly now? If so, don’t post it.
  3. Offending a cultural group or minority. Tip: Perform the same exercise as in the previous tip. Also, place yourself in the shoes of the group or person you are discussing. If you feel uncomfortable, don’t post it.
  4. Offering a controversial opinion. Tip: Ask yourself, is it necessary to post this opinion? What will I gain from posting it, and what could I lose?
  5. Resharing someone else’s post that your audience might find offensive. (You don’t want to be perceived as guilty by association.) Tip: Do not simply skim a post or watch the first few seconds of a video before reposting. While you might agree with the overall sentiment or title, there could be hidden bombs in the OP (original post) that you do not agree with or could be construed in a negative light.
  6. Posting personal information about a prospect or client without their permission. Tip: Do not post anything about your clients without express permission.

As you can see, many of these blunders and tips are pretty obvious. But the reality is, it’s all-to-easy to say something — such as a joke — that gets misinterpreted. People can’t read your mind, so they don’t know your intentions. They just see what you post. So, if you’ve written a post that you suspect might get the wrong reaction, don’t post it.

The safest and most effective way to do your real estate social media marketing is to post news, updates, and how-to advice that helps your prospects and clients. For example, an informative article on how to prepare a home for sale. Or an insightful update on the local real estate market.

That’s why posting snippets from your blog, with a link back to that page, is an effective strategy.

Takeaway: Focus on social media marketing posts that your prospects and clients are going to find helpful. If you’re not currently using a real estate marketing system that includes social media content, such as done-for-you social media posts and blog articles, sign up for one this week.